TabSource Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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What is TabSource?
TabSource is a web-based bid management tool from AssetPoint, makers of TabWare, our current maintenance and purchasing system. It streamlines bid package creation, supplier notifications, supplier bid submittals, bid evaluations and awards.

Why is ArcelorMittal USA implementing TabSource?
The reasons we are implementing this enhancement is to reduce the cycle time from requisition generation to purchase order award and to automate the procurement process. The current bid management process is less efficient and has not fully taken advantage of the technology available today. Our strategy is to implement technology which a) shortens the time from bid availability to award b) allows suppliers to be responsible for accuracy of their own bids c) enables all suppliers to operate under the same competitive conditions

How can I be sure bid information will be secured and confidential?
TabSource will be hosted in a SAS-70 Type II audited environment with password secured access. Suppliers will not be able to access other supplier bids.

Is there any information about TabSource available from AssetPoint?
Do I have a choice whether to participate in the use of Tabsource or can I continue with the current process?
We are convinced of the benefits of the system for ArcelorMittal and for you, the supplier, to the extent that this will be the only channel to receive request for quotes and to submit offers. We will be fully migrated to TabSource in 2011 and this will be the only avenue to bid and to submit your offers.

Need help with icons?

- Returns you "home" to your list of RFQs.

- Allows you to view, upload and manage documents attached to the RFQ.

- Closes the current application section or window.

- Saves the bid data for the current RFQ Line and returns you to the list of lines for the current RFQ.

- Saves the bid data for the current RFQ Line and takes you to the next line for the current RFQ.

- Saves the bid data for the current RFQ Line and takes you to the previous line for the current RFQ.

- Prints the current page (see "View Summary" button).

- Hides the RFQ Header information.

- Unhides the RFQ Header information.

Having problems viewing CAD Drawings?
If you have CAD software installed, but are still unable to view CAD Drawings from TabSource, click here for additional help.

Having problems saving your line item?
Refresh your browser cache to download the latest files for TabSource Release.
  • On Windows, either ctrl + F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R
  • On Mac, click the apple key + F5 or click command + R
  • On Linux, click F5